Deregulation, devolution, and data sharing: The UK’s Urban Mobility Strategy

Written by Inline Policy on 19 Mar 2019

The publication of the UK Government’s Urban Mobility Strategy heralds significant regulatory changes that will have an impact across the mobility sector. Here we provide the headlines and you can download our full briefing.

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Competition between EV charging firms gets political

Written by Inline Policy on 03 Jan 2019

Today’s Financial Times reports on the developing conflict between UK electric vehicle charging market leader Ecotricity and its competitors. This points to a significant challenge for the Government’s efforts to establish a reliable national network of charging points that can underpin consumer confidence to switch away from petrol and diesel.

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Law to standardise charging for electric vehicles proposed in Parliament

Written by Inline Policy on 20 Nov 2018

 A new Bill seeks to standardise electric vehicle charging points and introduce a universal pay-as-you-go-system. We take a look at the commercial and political context and the chances of the Bill becoming a law.

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The patchwork of digital tax proposals in Europe

Written by Inline Policy on 09 Nov 2018

While discussions continue on the European Commission’s proposals for a harmonised Digital Services Tax, a number of different approaches to taxing online service providers and platforms is emerging across Europe.  With the UK the latest EU country to consider going it alone, we look at who is proposing what when it comes to digital services taxes.

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UK kicks off review of competition in digital markets

Written by Inline Policy on 20 Sep 2018

The UK Government has engaged a panel to review competition in digital markets, and one of the key themes is the concentration of 'big tech'. With the panel tasked with consulting industry and reporting by early 2019, companies seeking to influence the panel's thinking need to get started as soon as possible.

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3 questions to ask when hiring a public affairs agency

Written by Inline Policy on 05 Sep 2018

A public affairs agency can provide you with up-to-date policy and regulatory trends, analyse how they could impact your business, and use their network in the policy community to help you engage with decision makers. But how do you choose the right one for your business?

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Does your business need a public affairs agency?

Written by Inline Policy on 28 Aug 2018

Innovation in the tech sector is moving at a rapid pace, and the companies driving these innovations are increasingly facing political and regulatory hurdles. A public affairs agency can help companies monitor trends in politics and regulation that may affect their business.


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Is the policy world a hostile environment for the tech sector?

Written by Inline Policy on 21 Aug 2018

Policy and regulation can have a significant impact on companies in the tech sector, in terms of both their operations and their growth prospects. Keeping abreast of political and regulatory trends will help companies to spot potential threats or opportunities early on.

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Rebels with a cause can't beat Mrs May in the game of chicken

Written by Inline Policy on 28 Jun 2018

While many see Theresa May’s regular battles with both wings of her party as the government lurching from crisis to crisis, it is starting to look more like a deliberate strategy. What does this tell us about Downing Street’s strategy for the negotiations with the EU?

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