As the number of self-employed people continues to rise in the UK, the need to provide support to this growing workforce is becoming increasingly important. But how can access to benefits and protections be improved, without relying on the incumbent employment relationships through which these are traditionally delivered? Emergent WorkerTech technology and applications may be part of the solution.
How WorkerTech is meeting the need for flexible support for the self-employed
Written by Inline Policy on 17 Aug 2018
Full steam ahead for the EU in 2017 on Banking Regulation and Capital Markets Union
Written by Inline Policy on 19 Dec 2016
2017 is set to be a year of acceleration in the pace of regulation of the financial services sector at global and European levels. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) is making steady progress on plans including a leverage ratio surcharge for global systemically important institutions (G-SIIs).
The CMA Interim Report on Remedies: A more competitive UK retail banking sector or missed opportunity?
Written by Inline Policy on 27 May 2016
Last week’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) set of interim recommendations on the UK retail banking sector represents the culmination of nearly two years work from the new competition regulator analysing plans for structural, market, and anti-trust reform of the industry. It is important to remember the political context which gave rise to the enquiry.