In recent years, the regulation of policy areas like privacy, genetically modified foods and pollution has shown that different countries can take wildly divergent approaches. The regulation of noise is a similarly subjective issue of great relevance to the emerging tech of electric vehicles and drones, in particular.
Cutting through the noise: how to regulate for subjective issues
Written by Inline Policy on 06 Aug 2019
The intertwined futures of 5G and Augmented Reality
Written by Inline Policy on 08 May 2019
While there has been no shortage of political attention paid to the development of 5G mobile networks, a significant proportion of the UK public remain unconvinced of the benefits. Could Augmented Reality (AR) be the 'killer app' to drive 5G adoption?
MPs examine impact and potential of immersive tech
Written by Inline Policy on 15 Feb 2019
In the latest sign of ramping up political interest in immersive technologies, the House of Common's Digital Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) Select Committee has announced an inquiry dedicated to finding out more about the sector, and determining possible avenues for future regulation.
Saving lives and saving money - how public sector drone use is taking off
Written by Inline Policy on 10 Jan 2019
The many and varied ways in which drones have already been deployed to aid the public sector are often overlooked. Some of the most significant examples include emergency services, environmental monitoring and protection, and infrastructure maintenance and inspection.
How UK Government is helping virtual and augmented reality flourish
Written by Inline Policy on 24 Oct 2018
The UK Government has positioned itself an avid supporter of the immersive tech sector. It is nurturing the fledgling domestic industry through a range of mechanisms, including funding, tax incentives, mentorship and practical support.
Will the new Secretary of State for Digital be good or bad news for tech?
Written by Inline Policy on 24 Jul 2018
Jeremy Wright MP has big shoes to fill, succeeding an unquestionably pro-technology Secretary of State for Digital, but might his lack of previous interest in the sector actually be a good thing for the tech industry?
Emerging from the smoke – Vaping as disruptive innovation
Written by Inline Policy on 15 May 2018
In a modern world that is churning out technological innovations in sectors that did not even exist 20 years ago, many people will have common conceptions of what constitutes ‘disruptive technology’: the rise of robots, smart cities and self-driving cars. And yet, equally disruptive are the technologies that are developing within sectors that have prospered for centuries.