Online Safety Act: What happens now?

Written by Pia Doering on 03 Nov 2023

The Online Safety Bill was introduced in March 2022 to make the UK the ‘safest place in the world to be online’. After a long journey through Parliament, the Bill passed its final parliamentary stages on Tuesday 19 September and was granted royal assent on 26 October 2023, meaning it is now enshrined in law as the Online Safety Act (OSA). However, companies will not have to comply with most of the Act’s provisions immediately. Rather, many details are yet to be set out via secondary legislation and guidance. In this blog post, we take a look at the next steps under the UK’s new online safety regime.   

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The State of US Tech Regulation in 2023

Written by Sameer Surti on 01 Mar 2023

President Biden, in his State of the Union address laid out his vision for this year. In this blog, Inline Policy will highlight the key tech policy issues on which the Administration and the federal government are focused.

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Green and digital road transport: Where does the EU stand?

Written by Inline Policy on 31 Mar 2022

As the European Union seeks to achieve zero-emission road transport in cities, we explore what proposals on infrastructure, multi-modal travel and mobility data mean for passengers, industry, and other stakeholders.

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Who are the UK's digital regulators?

Written by Matthew Niblett on 10 Mar 2022

Inline’s previous blog explored the UK Government’s aspirations for the technology and digital sectors and its legislative plans to make the UK a global leader in the space. In this blog, we look at the organisations responsible for regulating the UK’s tech sector, focusing on their powers and for which areas they have responsibility. We highlight some of the regulatory issues that these regulators are dealing with and which we advise tech companies should monitor.

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Eight steps the Government is taking to turn the UK into a global services, digital and data hub

Written by Inline Policy on 03 Mar 2022

With the terms of the UK’s exit from the EU largely settled, the UK Government has begun to turn its attention to what it wishes to do with the powers that have been repatriated from the European Union. This blog explores the Government’s aspirations for the technology and digital sectors and its legislative plans to make the UK a global leader in this area.

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Regulating the data economy (Part II): how will the Data Act regulate government access to data?

Written by Inline Policy on 03 Feb 2022

As explained in our previous blog, the European Commission is working on a legislative proposal to ensure European businesses, consumers and governments fully benefit from the free flow of data and are empowered to make better-informed decisions. This initiative, known as the Data Act, will not only regulate data sharing among companies (business-to-business, B2B), but will also specify in which cases and under which conditions companies must share data with governments (business-to-government, B2G). This blog analyses the EU’s plans for the B2G data sharing and identifies outstanding issues for businesses.

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Regulating data sharing (Part I) – How will the EU Data Act impact your business?

Written by Inline Policy on 27 Jan 2022

In 2025, the value of the data economy in the European Union will be comparable to the GDP of the Netherlands. The actual impact that data will have on European economies and societies, however, will depend as much on technological advancements as on the rules that will govern data use and data sharing. In February 2022, the European Commission is expected to publish a proposal for a Regulation to facilitate data sharing and use between companies (business-to-business, or B2B) and between businesses and governments (business-to-government, or B2G). Known as the Data Act, this long-awaited initiative will have far-reaching impacts on companies, the public sector, and consumers. In this two-part series, we look at what issues the Data Act should address to harness the value of data while ensuring innovation, property rights, and privacy. This blog focuses on business-to-business data-sharing.

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Digital Services Act: EU institutions seek to tighten rules for online players

Written by Inline Policy on 13 Jan 2022

The European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA), currently working its way through the legislative process, will create an unprecedented set of new rules for intermediary service providers. The legislation will establish a framework for content moderation and reinforce the rules for platforms that should serve to further protect the fundamental rights of all users of digital services across Europe. This blog looks at the DSA’s progress and the positions recently taken by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU. We explore how they are seeking to re-shape the original proposal and what this means for businesses and consumers.

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Cybersecurity of consumer smart devices takes centre stage post-pandemic

Written by Inline Policy on 03 Jun 2021

The Internet of Things (IoT) was already expected to change the way we live and work long before COVID-19 began spreading around the globe in late 2019. After a year in which human to human contact has been necessarily constrained, contact between all manner of devices has become more important than ever. A growing amount of economic activity is taking place remotely, and whilst some of this may shift back to an “offline” mode once the pandemic recedes, the move towards a greater dependence on internet connected devices long predates the pandemic, and so will almost certainly outlast it.

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What's next for international data transfers, post-Schrems II?

Written by Inline Policy on 22 Oct 2020

On 16 July 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) invalidated the EU-US international data transfer framework - known as the Privacy Shield - bringing personal data protection and international data transfers to the forefront of current discussions on digital policy. In this brief we look at the options for data transfers between the EU and other countries in the light of the Court's conclusions.

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Exploring the regulatory and legislative landscape for IoT devices

Written by Inline Policy on 03 Sep 2020

The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to transform societies and economies. Such widespread transformation is bound to attract increased regulatory and legislative scrutiny. Here we explore the issues on which governments are most likely to focus their attention.

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Covid-19 and data privacy pits European governments against US tech once again

Written by Inline Policy on 03 Jun 2020

Covid-19 and the concerted push by European governments to develop contact-tracing apps has revealed the difficult trade-offs between privacy and public health. Like in previous debates, policymakers and Big Tech find themselves on opposite sides of the argument, although their roles have reversed, with US giants now positioning themselves as the guardians of their users’ privacy by refusing to facilitate centralised apps.

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Inline's Data Policy Tracker, July 2019

Written by Inline Policy on 03 Jul 2019

Inline’s Data Policy Tracker covers the key political and regulatory changes, trends and developments impacting the data sector. We look at the latest interventions from regulators, policymakers and politicians within the context of this evolving data policy landscape.

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Personal data mobility: the new front in the battle for the digital economy

Written by Inline Policy on 30 May 2019

Data portability rules in GDPR do very little to alter the balance of power in the digital economy. Could a shift to an economy based on data mobility give individuals true control over their personal data, tackle antitrust concerns around big tech, and strengthen workers in the gig economy?

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EU elections 2019: The MEP candidates who matter for the tech sector

Written by Inline Policy on 22 May 2019

The European Parliamentary elections taking place on 23-26 May 2019 will be the most significant yet for the tech sector. Ahead of the poll, we have produced a short guide to the key MEP candidates to watch when it comes to the big issues for the tech sector and the broader digital economy.

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Inline's Data Policy Tracker, May 2019

Written by Inline Policy on 16 May 2019

In the second of our regular Data Policy Tracker we cover the key political and regulatory changes, trends and developments impacting the data sector. 

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Launching Inline's new Data Policy Tracker

Written by Inline Policy on 15 Apr 2019

In the first of our new regular Data Policy Trackers we cover the key political and regulatory changes, trends and developments impacting the data sector. 

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Can data sharing survive the new data protection regime?

Written by Inline Policy on 05 Mar 2019

Nine months after "GDPR day" our new briefing paper assesses the fallout of the new EU data protection regime, the emerging trends in regulation of data sharing and how industry is responding. 

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Enforcing GDPR will make data regulators clarify grey areas

Written by Inline Policy on 23 Jan 2019

After all the talk about GDPR implementation last year, we are starting to come to the crunch point where companies' data practices are being tested by the regulators. The results could create continued regulatory headaches for data-intensive businesses.

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Beyond Data Protection: Shaping the Ethical Use of Data in the UK

Written by Inline Policy on 01 Nov 2018

With a new regulatory framework for the protection of personal data in place, our briefing paper outlines the key policy initiatives that are shaping the ethical use of data in the UK.
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