Emma Vivian

Emma Vivian
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Commission President candidates clash in "Spitzenkandidaten" debate

Written by Emma Vivian on 28 May 2024

In advance of the European Parliament elections between 6 and 9 June, the candidates from five of Europe's major political groupings debated one another across a wide range of issues, including the economy, the climate and the environment, and technology policy on 23 May 2024. This briefing provides a summary of the key points each candidate made during the debate.

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TikTok Lite sparks EU concerns: A deep dive into digital addiction

Written by Emma Vivian on 20 May 2024

In the fast-paced world of social media, concerns about digital addiction are taking centre stage once again, with TikTok and Meta at the forefront of scrutiny.

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Trilogue negotiations in the EU

Written by Emma Vivian on 18 Mar 2024

Three key EU institutions - the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council of the European Union - walk into a room. It sounds like the start of a bad joke, but trust us, it's anything but! They're there to work through laws, policies, and regulations that impact the lives of over 500 million Europeans. In this blog, we're going to lift the curtain on trilogue negotiations and shed light on why this resolution is useful for the swift functioning of EU policy making.

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Say "green" only if you mean it!

Written by Emma Vivian on 01 Jun 2023

Are consumers being deceived by misleading environmental and sustainability claims about products and services? "Greenwashing" is getting increasing attention from EU policymakers.  What is the European Union doing to combat "greenwashing" by companies? How does this impact businesses and what should companies expect?

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How will the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation affect your business?

Written by Emma Vivian on 09 Feb 2023

The Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation will establish rules on the production of goods that are sold in the EU market. These rules will cover the entire life cycle of a product, from its design to its recycling. Companies which build tech devices and online platforms which sell those devices to consumers will have new obligations.

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