Immersive Technology: the policy challenge to come

by Inline Policy on 10 Apr 2019

With immersive technology increasingly being used across a wide range of industries, our new report assesses the policy questions that will inevitably arise as what was previously a high-tech novelty becomes mainstream.

Across the world there is a heightened policy focus on the ethics of new technology, with new innovations expected to conform with data protection laws, shield young people and protect against online crimes. Immersive technology will need to answer these challenges and more.

Our report draws out a number of use cases in which immersive technologies have already been applied, including films and gaming, live ticketed events, education and training, retail and food, architecture and real estate, product prototyping and manufacturing, policy making, healthcare and tourism. Use of virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and/or haptics in any of these diverse applications can expect to be subject to scrutiny by policymakers in a number of ways, which the report lays out in full:

Immersive Technology

  • Permissions for advertising and marketing
  • Restrictions and age classifications
  • Health and safety requirements
  • Biometric data collection
  • Location-based services
  • Data privacy beyond the user
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Liability challenges

Finally, the report provides an insight into how the UK Government can not only regulate but bolster the industry, through financial support, fostering skills, provision of 5G, standards development and leading by example.

You can download our report for free here and can sign up to be notified of future briefings and blogs relating to immersive technologies below:

Topics: Immersive Tech, Media Policy

Inline Policy

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