The European Parliament 2019-24: a guide for the tech sector
by Inline Policy on 10 Sep 2019
The European Parliament has resumed its work after the summer break and the 2019-2024 term will include a range of policy areas impacting the digital economy. Download Inline Policy's free updated guide to the new Parliament and the people and issues matter for the tech sector.
As an introduction to the makeup of the European Parliament and its upcoming work, Inline Policy has produced the attached briefing for the tech sector, highlighting:

- The new European Parliament is different to the previous term, with a more fragmented power balance between the main political groups. This makes the liberal Renew Europe and the Green/EFA group kingmakers for the conservative EPP and socialist S&D groups who have lost their combined absolute majority.
- Further changes will come once the United Kingdom leaves the EU and seats are reallocated among Member States, with the groups’ seat numbers altered as a result.
- The policy areas that the new European Parliament will work on will be wide-ranging and affect the digital economy including content regulation, artificial intelligence, online platforms and a host of other areas.
If you would like to discuss our briefing, how these policy areas will affect your business and how to navigate the European Parliament, please get in touch with the Inline Policy Brussels team.
To receive a copy of the briefing via email please fill in the form below.
Topics: European Politics, Platforms, Digital Single Market, Brexit, Rory Coutts, Online Platforms
