Inline at Labour Party Conference - The Sharing Economy: driving UK jobs and growth?
by Inline Policy on 17 Sep 2014
We are delighted to be hosting fringe events at both the Labour and Conservative Party Conferences this year. We have assembled a panel of leading thinkers on the sharing economy to discuss everything from the economic opportunity for the UK, to some of the emerging regulatory trends. Panellists and event details for the Labour Party fringe event can be found below. The full Conservative Party fringe line-up will be announced early next week.
Labour Party Conference Event details
Tuesday 23 September 2014, 12.30-14.15
Manchester Hilton Deansgate Hotel, Room 5 (light lunch provided)
Helen Goodman MP - Shadow Minister for Culture, Creative Industries and Communications
Arnaud Bertrand - Founder President, HouseTrip
Helen Goulden - Executive Director, Innovation Lab, Nesta
Mike Masserman - Director of International Government Relations, Lyft
Benita Matofska - Chief Sharer, Compare and Share
Topics: UK politics, UK business, Economic policy, Big Tech